17 March 2021

New Anglia LEP and Growth Hub

New Anglia

If you’re planning to do some R&D, grow, expand, or diversify or need any other business support, get in touch with the team at New Anglia LEP and Growth Hub.

What’s on offer?

New Anglia LEP and Growth Hub are offering free business support and grants from £1,000 up to £500,000 to support businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk. We’ve been supported by New Anglia ERDF Business Growth Programme and it could help you too.

How has it helped us?

With the grant and support we’ve taken our training course BeerWorks to the next level – we’re going digital! We’ve been able to take our popular face to face training and develop an online version which is coming to a computer near you very soon!

Find out more about our training courses.

If you’d like to see if you could be eligible for a grant or just need some business advice, why not get in touch with New Anglia Growth Hub on 0300 333 6536 or visit www.newangliagrowthhub.co.uk/ and see if they can make a difference to your business.

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